Physical and Health Education – Meaning and Types of Movements Upper Primary Quizzes



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#1. Which of these movements is jumping?

#2. Which of these movements is walking?

#3. Non locomotive movements are also sometimes called ________.

#4. ________ is a combination of a step and a hop on the same foot followed immediately by a step and hop on the opposite foot.

#5. Which of these is NOT is non locomotive movement?

#6. ________ and ________ are types of movement.

#7. Which of these movements is bending?

#8. ________ means changing locations or positions.

#9. ________ movements are also sometimes called axial movements.

#10. Moving up and down on one foot is known as ________.

#11. There are ________ types of movement.

#12. ________ locomotive movement is the fastest.

#13. Skipping rope is used for ________ locomotive movement.

#14. Which of these is skipping?

#15. Galloping, skipping, and leaping are examples of ________.

#16. Non locomotive movements are also sometimes called axial movements.

#17. ________ locomotive is the movement through water.

#18. ________ is the movement back and forth or from side to side while suspended or on an axis.

#19. ________ is a sideway movement where the lead foot takes one step to the side.

#20. non locomotive movements are often combined with ________ movements, such as walking and swinging your arms.




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