Basic Science and Technology Primary 6 (Basic 6) Quizzes 3
Choose the correct answer from the options.
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#1. The blood vessel that takes blood from the body to the heart is ______.
#2. Which of the following is not a characteristics of living things?
#3. The following are marketing strategies in selling doormats except ______.
#4. Air presses on every object in all directions.
#5. All these are consequences of irresponsible sexual behaviour except one.
#6. Doormats can be made from fibres of coconut, palm and rafia trees as well as ______.
#7. The following are examples for cutting tools in wood work except ______.
#8. One of the characteristics of living is the ability to ______.
#9. Natural gas can be use for ______.
#10. Using of drugs with doctor's prescription is called ______.
#11. In human reproductive system, the union of an ovum and a sperm is called ______.
#12. The rainbow is a seen when rays of sunlight are bent on tiny droplets.
#13. The rotation of the earth on its axis causes ______.
#14. A mixture of red and green lights gives ______
#15. People who derived pleasure in taking hard drugs are called ______.
#16. An example of water project in Nigeria is ______.
#17. All these are weather symbols except ______.
#18. The smallest planet is called ______.
#19. Lunar eclipse is also known as ______.
#20. The three types of maintenance are corrective, preventive and ______
Basic Science and Technology Exam Test Quiz Primary 6 Part 1
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Eko Quizzes consists of questions carefully designed to help parents assess your student's comprehension of the information presented in the class on the topics covered in the National Curriculum and State Scheme of Work.